We are a primary 6 class from Glebelands Primary School in Dundee. In 2020 we entered a Social Enterprise Project and came up with the concept #dontrecycleracism. We won in a Dragon’s Den style competition and received a local and national award for our work. We have secured partnerships in the local community with Biffa, Xplore Dundee, Jigsaw Media, NHS and Dundee Council. This website is intended to give information on racism to primary aged children across the Country.Â
Our aim is to have our sticker/QR code in every primary classroom so children can access the website as a learning resource. Our stickers are also going onto busses around the city and Biffa bins to allow access to the information for all.Â
We hope you can help us build the content of the website by building a bank of resources and engaging with the learning resources.